/ Services / Live Animal Trap / B 252 Examination and Care Compressed Cage for Cats

B 252 Examination and Care Compressed Cage for Cats

  • B 252 Examination and Care Compressed Cage for Cats
  • B 252 Examination and Care Compressed Cage for Cats

Information about the trap

It is made from 2 mm of veneered steel with dimensions of 29 x 24 x 48 cm and 6300 gr in weight. It contains a upward opening door that make it easy to put the cat in or take it out. It is designed as piecemeal and with a mechanism controlled from outside, the cat can be controlled without harm.

Target animals

It is used during intervention for the cat.

Areas of usage and benefits

It is especially good for rehabilitation centers, municipalities and veterinarian clinics. It ensures practicality and hygiene while procedures such as examination, treatment, vaccination and nail cutting.

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