/ Bayer Protection Program / Why Bayer Protection Program?

Why Bayer Protection Program?

Why do I need to work with a company of Bayer Protection Program’s?

If you say that my health and safety is important more than anything!
Many companies offer a service in disinfestation sector. However, the quality level of services is not the same. Those companies of Bayer Protection Program assure the following standards;
Bayer Protection Program
  • They give service according to regularity of Ministry of Health.
  • They use high quality, effective and modern Bayer’s product.
  • Companies with the principles of sustainable development are periodically audited.
  • They work in cooperation with Bayer all the year around.
  • Disinfection technicians and workers in office are well trained. They go through the process of Bayer’s current training.
  • They use the most current disinfection methods in services they provide.
  • Costumers are very well informed about services and warrantly cover.
  • Undesirable demages can be met by current insurance policies.
  • They are aware of responsibility to the environment.

Bayer Protection Program

  • Address:
    Zumrutevler Mah. Nil Caddesi. Hukukcular ve Idareciler Sitesi Sosyal Tesis Binasi Kat:2 34852 Maltepe / ISTANBUL / TURKEY
  • E-mail:
  • Phone:
    Call Center: 444 85 65
    Fax: 0216 386 52 65